Custom Hand Lettering Design

Fun Stuff

Hey everyone! Welcome to my fun page! This is a blog of sorts where you can find helpful lettering tips, business tools, and other great information for artists and freelancers alike!

Understanding the Basic Structure of Letterforms. A How-to Demo

We all think we know what the letters of the alphabet look like right? WRONG! Ever since we were tiny children we’ve been taught how to write letters and because it is such a normal everyday thing that we do, many people don’t ever actually take the time to think about what makes each letter special and how the letters interact with each other.

In this how-to demo, I’m going to be breaking apart the basic structure of each letterform and show how every letter is either a square, circle, triangle or a combination of a few of these.

Why does this matter? if you don’t understand WHY letters look the way they do and HOW all letters are made up of reoccurring shapes and patterns, then your lettering is never going to look quite right. By understanding the basics, you are able to:

  1. create letters that look really good from a design standpoint

  2. create a sense of unity and variety in your work

  3. create letter forms that are 100% unique to you

I hope you enjoy the video and that you will follow along as I go over things. Remember, watching a demo is good, but you won’t really learn anything unless you try it out for yourself! If you like this video, please comment on Youtube and share it with a friend! Also, a special shoutout to Becca from The Happy Ever Crafter who interviewed me for this video a few months ago. She is an amazing lettering artist with some seriously good online courses. Be sure to check her out!

Want to learn more about hand-lettering and how to do it? Check out my online class!